Laburnum Way Loughborough


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Bloor Homes is undertaking pre-application public consultation on plans for a residential development on land to the south-west of Loughborough.

The proposed development will include 133 new homes including affordable housing, public open space, a play area and sustainable urban drainage systems. The development will be served from Laburnum Way via an extension to the existing estate road, with a secondary access from Corydalis Close.

We value local knowledge and welcome your input.
Please take your time to review the proposals and to fill in the feedback section.


A variety of house-types with 30% affordable housing.

Including routes both through and around the site with links to existing connections within the wider area.

Including a large green area through the centre of the site and significant tree and vegetation planting throughout.

A locally equipped children’s play area (LEAP).

A new, on-site surface water drainage system with planting for wildlife.

With a secondary access from Corydalis Close.

With infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging; all new dwellings provided with an EV point.

To off-site infrastructure which could include, schools, healthcare, public transport and libraries.


The development of the site will deliver a high-quality and sustainable development that will support a vibrant, healthy and well-connected community, providing much-needed homes to meet the housing needs of the Borough.



  • 133 new homes; with a variety of house-types;
  • 30% of the new homes provided as affordable housing;
  • Vehicle access from Laburnum Way with a secondary access from Corydalis Close;
  • Pedestrian and cycle links;
  • Areas of public open space, including a central green area and circular walks around and through the site;
  • A equipped children’s play area
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) with opportunities for wildlife;
  • Infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging, with all new buildings provided with an EV point.


Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) has been developing its Local Plan for a number of years. The Local Plan provides a strategy to accommodate the amount of development required to support growth in the Borough up to 2037, this includes identifying land for new homes, employment and infrastructure.

The site at Laburnum Way forms part of the proposed allocation site HA16, which has been identified by Charnwood Borough Council as being suitable to accommodate a residential development of approximately 422 dwellings.

The site will be developed in phases and Bloor Homes is now preparing a full planning application for the first phase of the allocation.



The site lies to the south-west of Loughborough adjacent to the existing settlement.  

There are a number of key services and facilities within a 2km radius of the site, including primary and secondary schools, a medical centre, a sports ground and local retail facilities.

These local facilities are supported by good quality pedestrian and cycle connections. The possibility of enhancing the public transport network in the area has been considered with the potential to extend local bus routes closer to the site.


Please click here to see the services, facilities and connections in the area.



Bloor Homes is proposing 133 new homes in this first phase of development. The housing mix is 6 x 1-bedroom, 36 x 2-bedroom, 53 x 3-bedroom and 38 x 4-bedroom homes. The tenure split for the affordable homes will be; 67% affordable housing for rent, 25% first homes and 8% other affordable home ownership, preferably shared ownership. Housing will be from the Bloor Classics range which has an arts and crafts style.

The majority of the new homes will be two storeys in height, consistent with the typical height of development seen in the surrounding area. Eight 1-storey homes are also proposed along with six 2.5 storey buildings at certain key locations.

The provision of a range of house types, sizes and tenures will widen the choice of housing in the area and ensure the creation of a mixed and cohesive community that is representative of the local population.



All new build dwellings will have electric vehicle charging facilities. Changes to building regulations to deliver the Government’s ‘Future Homes Standard’ means that new homes will have a 31% reduction in CO2 when compared to current standards. Bloor Homes applies a ‘fabric first’ approach in their house type design. The fabric first approach has several clear benefits, notably that it is built into the property for its whole life.


The proposals include circa 2.8 hectares of public open space providing areas for recreation and relaxation. An equipped children’s play area will be provided and attractive walking and cycling routes will be incorporated throughout the development.

The site comprises largely species-poor semi-improved grassland, with some scattered scrub, a pond and field boundary hedgerows. None of the on-site habitats are considered of principal importance and it is expected that a net gain in biodiversity can be secured within the allocation site as a whole.

The loss of trees to facilitate the layout is minimal, with only low-quality Category C trees to be removed. Most of the hedgerows will be retained, apart from some sections to allow for access. Additional tree planting is proposed which will help filter views of the development and increase tree canopy cover. A landscape buffer will be provided between the site and the Old Oaks local ecological site.




The site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is at a low risk of flooding. The drainage strategy for the site will collect surface water runoff via a series of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) features and discharge at a controlled rate into Moat Brook. The SuDS strategy will manage run off from the site to pre-development levels. It will also offer water quality improvements.

A foul water pumping station will be required to support the development.


The proposed development has been designed to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, provide easy access for service and emergency vehicles and to allow for traffic speeds of 20mph.

There are existing local bus routes within walking distance of the site. The development will be supported by a Travel Plan to encourage sustainable travel including walking and cycling as an alternative to private car use and to encourage public transport use. Footpath connections will be made between the existing footpaths around the eastern edges of the site to the public footpath routes that extend into the countryside and the Outwoods to the west.

Vehicular entrances into the site will be from Laburnum Way to the north and Corydalis Close to the south. On-plot parking will be provided for the new houses.

A full Transport Assessment will be submitted as part of the planning application.


Bloor Homes will enter into a Section 106 Agreement with Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) and Leicestershire County Council (LCC) to provide necessary infrastructure and community facilities. The package of on-site infrastructure and off-site contributions will be refined through engagement with service providers, including CBC and LCC once a planning application has been submitted and could include schools, healthcare, public transport and libraries.


A full planning application is expected to be submitted during Summer 2023 after comments from this consultation have been considered. Following the submission of the planning application, Charnwood Borough Council will undertake a period of statutory consultation on the application. At this stage you will have the opportunity to submit your comments on the application to the Council before a decision is made. It is expected that the application will be determined by the Council later in 2023.


(subject to planning permission)


Thank you for reviewing the development proposals. Please take your time to complete this feedback form.


Bloor Homes have been building quality homes for over 50 years and is now the largest privately-owned housebuilder in the UK. We have a proven track record in delivering successful new communities. We take great pride in delivering high quality and energy efficient homes and are proud to be named a 5* housebuilder for Customer Satisfaction by the Home Builders Federation for five consecutive years.


Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick,

CV34 6UW Telephone: 01926 623095

Email: [email protected]